Thursday, January 5, 2012

Creative Wardrobe Photo Shoot

Many friends of mine own a clothing line but sometimes I saw they had a typical photo shoot theme. I have been collecting pictures from some nice people who are also young and professionals. Here are the examples in order to give you ideas in making a photo shoot for your clothing line.

Some of those pictures are not considered to be such photo shoot for a clothing line. Look at their expression, editing and background preference, they're inspiring.
It's Jace Thomas (musician) and Theo Kottis of WE OWNED from Scotland. The photographs are subject of their copyright. Happy business!
Indonesia, January 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger | A Film Review

Hi, saya membantu teman saya untuk menulis review film yang tayang di bioskop. Silahkan di check. Target review berikutnya adalah film "Submarine" buatan UK.
Captain America: The First Avenger Review

Thursday, February 17, 2011


From a seminar presented by Mr. Philip Taylor in The National Teachers Seminar, Ambarawa – Indonesia.
Education in Australia has traditionally been the responsibility of the States and Territories, assisted by the Federal Government with money grants for large-scale projects. In more recent times, the Federal Government has injected larger amounts of money but has, in return, expected a much larger say in educational decisions and future direction.
This has happened over the last 15 years with numeracy and literacy testing in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9. They are now trying to publish lists of school results for these tests. From next year, they will begin the phasing in of ACE (Aust Certificate of Education).
Eek university courses
Australia follows a 3-tier system education
·         Primary school                  6-7 years
·         Secondary school             5-6 years
·         Tertiary education           including university, colleges and TAFEs or Polytechnics
RELIGIOUS STUDIES does not exist as a subject in Australian schools. The only exposure student have is in the subject areas of Social Sciences where religion is studied as part of the culture of a country.
ASSESMENT is done internally by each school until the last year of secondary schooling where subjects are either
·         Moderated between schools
·         Externally examined in situations where students seek university courses. In this case, the university often requires certain subject and an overall minimum score to gain acceptance into certain courses.
This is the only year where examinations take place and still only counts for 50% of grade, the other 50% being controlled to controlling their own destiny. This has lead to a sharp increase in fees generally and the marketing of themselves to overseas students, offering courses at many times the price paid by local students.
TEACHERS fit broadly in to the middle class of society. When factors of
·         Housing and purchase of rent
·         Cost of living
·         Surplus salary
All teachers in Australia are registered through a Teachers Registration Board. This requires:
·         Degree in education or degree plus teaching qualification
·         Police check
·         1st aid certificate
·         Mandatory reporting cerificate
·         Attend courses on gender issues, sexual harassment and cultural and racial awareness.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Treaty with Spain

Treaty with Spain
(Cession of Porto Rico and the Philippines)

26 Juli 1898, sembilan hari paska menyerah di Santiago, pemerintah Spanyol melakukan negoisasi perdamaian melalui perwakilan Perancis di Washington (WA).
Perjanjian perdamaian antara The United States dan Kerajaan Spantol ditandatangani di Paris, 10 Desember 1898 lalu ratifikasi terakhir pada April 1899, diproklamirkan di Washington.
Berikut adalah pasal terkait dengan Puerto Rico;
Article II
Kepulauan Puerto Rico dan kepulauan lain dibawah kedaulatan Spanyol di Hindia Barat, pulau di wilayah Guam, Marianas, atau Ladrones  diserahkan kepada Amerika Serikat.
Article V (Paragraf ke dua)
Atas pertukaran ratifikasi dari perjanjian saat ini, Spanyol akan memproses evakuasi warga Filipina, seperti halnya pulau Guam, pada jangka waktu yang sama seperti yang disetujui oleh para Komisioner, mengatur waktu untuk evakuasi dari Puerto Rico dan kepulauan lain di Hindia Barat dibawah protokol 12 Agustus 1989 yang mana melanjutkan status angkatan bersenjata hingga ketentuan tersebut dilaksanakan.
Article VI
Pemerintah Amerika Serikat akan mengganti rugi kembali kepada Spanyol, dan pemerintah Spanyol akan mengganti rugi kepada Amerika Serikat; Kuba, Puerto Rico, Filipina, menurut situasi masing-masing negara. Narapidana bebas atau terbebaskan oleh masing-masing negara, secara bertanggung jawab dibawah perjanjian ini.
Aricle XI
Orang-orang Spanyol yang sedang tinggal disekitar teritorial (wilayah) dimana Spanyol dalam perjanian penyerahan ini atau pelepasan kedaulatan Spanyol akan menjadi pokok perhatian pemerintah. Sebagaimana kriminal dalam hak hukum peradilan di negara dimana mereka tinggal, menurut hukum pemerintahan yang sama; mereka memiliki hak untuk datang ke persidangan, dan untuk mengikuti kegiatan peradilan yang sama seperti warga negara dimana peradilan dilangsungkan.
Article XII
Tentang hak properti.
Lebih lanjut, baca bukunya. Konten di ambil dari buku berikut dan diterjemahkan oleh Anisa Caesar.
American Historical Document. Ed. Charles W. Eliot. Connecticut: Glorier Enterprises. 1995. Print.

Monday, May 17, 2010


The Writing Center

Franklin & Marshall College

Compiled by Anisa Caesar, spring 2010

How to Make a Good Paper

an Excellent Paper

This sheet is designed for those students who have a firm grasp on the basic mechanics of writing but who are looking for ways to fine-tune their papers stylistically. Let’s assume that a paper has a solid, interesting thesis, effective organization, and flawless grammar and punctuation.

The following guidelines are to help you make an already good paper more stylistically mature and, therefore, more enjoyable to read. Remember as you read that all of these sentences could be changed and rearranged in a number of ways; each sentence serves as an example, not the example.

1. Vary Sentence Patterns

The key to interesting writing lies mainly in variety. Obviously, since a paper is comprised of a string of sentences, one of the best ways to lend a paper variety is to use different sentence structures. To do this, break from the normal pattern of subject-verb-object and try coordination and subordination.

• Coordination: the joining of simple sentences to form compound sentences (using coordinating conjunctions like and, but, or, for, nor, yet), or the joining of similar elements of different sentences (e.g., combining the subjects of two sentences if they perform the same action).

good: Mrs. Whitesell teaches College Writing. She also directs the Writing Center.

better: Mrs. Whitesell teaches College Writing, but she also directs the Writing Center.

(two simple sentences combined by but to form a compound sentence)

or: Mrs. Whitesell is not only an English teacher but also is Director of the Writing


(Two predicate nominatives were combined into one compound predicate

nominative[underlined] and placed in the same sentence.)

• Subordination: the turning of a related sentence into an appositive phrase or dependent clause. Three major types of modifiers are noted here which will help to vary sentences by allowing the writer to place emphasis on different ideas.

good: Brian Miller is a tutor at the Writing Center. He’s a funky guy.

better: Brian Miller, a tutor at the Writing Center, is a funky guy. (The underlined words have been turned into an appositive phrase.)

or: Brian Miller is a funky guy who tutors at the Writing Center. (The underlined words are a relative clause, introduced by a relative pronoun; it is similar in effect to using an appositive phrase.)

or: Because Brian Miller is a tutor at the Writing Center, he’s a funky guy. (The underlined words are a causal clause, introduced by because. Since or as can also be used; these types of clauses are used to emphasize a cause and effect relationship between two sentences.)

or: When Brian Miller tutors at the Writing Center, he’s a funky guy. (The underlined phrase is a temporal clause, indicating a relationship in time between two sentences. Other words which may introduce such a clause are while, during, after, etc.)

2. Vary word order

You can also make sentences interesting by examining the pattern of words within each

sentence. Try to rearrange the usual order of noun-verb modifier to spice things up a bit.

good: Steve Goldstein ran reckless and screaming from the tutoring room.

better: Reckless and screaming, Steve Goldstein ran from the tutoring room. (The underlined adjectives have been moved to the front of the sentence to emphasize the manner in which Steve fled the room.)

3. Vary diction

Diction is a fancy word (and therefore interesting!) for word choice. Use language that is

varied, interesting, vivid, and fresh. In short, avoid writing tired words.

• Avoid trite language: i.e., don’t use cliché phrases.

example: In an ideal world, writing tutors who are over the hill would retire before they were past their prime.

better: Ideally, aging writing tutors would retire before they lost their grammatical skills. (The underlined words replace the cliché phrases in the preceding sentence.)

• Use interesting vocabulary, but be careful not to sound strained. A good rule of thumb is that if you’ve already forgotten what the word from the thesaurus means by the time you reread your paper, don't use it! For example, the words correspondence or compositions are fine to replace writing; but the word graphorrhea is a little much. (And yes, it really is a word!)

• Use active verbs: Prefer strong verbs to drab ones; look especially to replace forms of the verb “to be.”

good: Professor Jennings is in the English department at F&M.

better: Professor Jennings teaches in the English department at F&M. (In this sentence, the verb does the work and makes the sentence more active.)

4. Vary punctuation

Varying punctuation patterns can work wonders in a paper. Try straying from the repeated use of periods and semicolons to combine related independent clauses. Try using colons to combine sentences of equivalent meaning, or use dashes to emphasize or subordinate a phrase.

good: Shaheen tutors in the evening. However, her club meets every other Thursday after dinner, so she was forced to compromise.

better: Shaheen was forced to compromise when her club meetings — every other Thursday evening — conflicted with her work schedule.

or: For Shaheen, a compromise was necessary: she could not go to work and attend the meeting at the same time.

Jodie Dalton ‘96